Use "obfuscate|obfuscated|obfuscates|obfuscating" in a sentence

1. He obfuscated the problem we argued.

2. Politicians have once again obfuscated the issue.

3. Constant dumps obfuscated scripts by using Borks dumper

4. I must obfuscate this example.

5. Aramaism Ressler unbrutify Bilgeway xyla impala Coxey obfuscates

6. They are obfuscating the issue, as only insurance companies can.

7. It remains a mystery whether Yeltsin knew about it and was deliberately obfuscating.

8. The writer often obfuscates the real issues with petty details.

9. She was criticized for using arguments that obfuscated the main issue.

10. Comedy obtrudes too to obfuscate matters still further.

11. Ideology, the ideas which rationalize a person's class interests, obfuscates scientific analysis.

12. Synonyms for Befogging include blurring, confusing, obscuring, beclouding, darkening, obfuscating, clouding, fogging, bedimming and blackening

13. Synonyms for Blurs include obscures, bedims, befogs, dims, beclouds, blears, clouds, fogs, muddles and obfuscates

14. 1 Comedy obtrudes too to obfuscate matters still further.

15. Why? Because error handling should not obfuscate the logic of the code.

16. The merit Clear sighted in the book Hunter Hunted allow a character to see through a vampires obfuscate with a Per + Alert roll vs Obfuscate level +3

17. Synonyms for Beclouding include obscuring, muddying, confusing, obfuscating, blurring, clouding, confounding, mystifying, perplexing and puzzling

18. Ally: Contractually Obfuscated is an ally quest for Sofia Daguerre in the Fallout 76 Wastelanders update

19. Synonyms for Befogs include blurs, confuses, obscures, beclouds, darkens, obfuscates, clouds, fogs, bedims and blackens

20. Synonyms for Beclouds include obscures, muddies, confuses, obfuscates, blurs, clouds, confounds, mystifies, perplexes and puzzles

21. If a virus writer, or a metamorphic engine, attempts to obfuscate the computation of the port number, the anti-virus system may apply constant folding to de-obfuscate it.

22. But in the early years they produced abominations that could even obfuscate JSPs.

23. Synonyms for Befog include blur, confuse, obscure, becloud, darken, obfuscate, cloud, fog, bedim and blacken

24. The sample dataset provides an obfuscated Google Analytics 360 dataset that can be accessed via BigQuery.

25. Synonyms for Becloud include obscure, muddy, confuse, obfuscate, blur, cloud, confound, mystify, perplex and puzzle

26. This ambiguity obfuscates the distinct voices of Proust's text and de Man's and divides the responsibility for the proposition.

27. Adnauseam not only blocks ads, it obfuscates browsing data to resist tracking by the online ad industry

28. 35 synonyms for Blear: becloud, bedim, befog, blur, cloud, dim, dull, eclipse, fog, gloom, mist, obfuscate

29. What if we obfuscate the application flow too using the "Control Flow Obfuscation" feature in Dotfuscator?

30. Now that you've merged your scripts, you can go ahead and minify or obfuscate them.

31. Macdonald accepted that such information could be used to manipulate, to obfuscate, and to mislead.

32. 23 synonyms for Befog: becloud, bedim, blear, blur, cloud, dim, dull, eclipse, fog, gloom, mist, obfuscate

33. Remember that every parameter may be changed, no matter how much you hide or obfuscate it.

34. The Anthropocene encapsulates a powerful geological truth, but also a pernicious historical fallacy that obfuscates the past and Befogs the future

35. 23 synonyms for Befog: becloud, bedim, blear, blur, cloud, dim, dull, eclipse, fog, gloom, mist, obfuscate

36. 16 Now that you've merged your scripts, you can go ahead and minify or obfuscate them.

37. Adephagan subcollegiate afore-given self-rescuer controvertibility excamber Bewhistle indeciduate obfuscate prizable hermitry.Jacknifing rewove chronique megaton nasopharyngitis.

38. Adnauseam is a browser extension designed to obfuscate browsing data and protect users from tracking by advertising networks

39. Some advice for Autonomy CEO Mike Lynch: You can obfuscate about what is said in a private conversation.

40. 3 Also, when you're changing your code to minify or obfuscate, there's a risk that you may introduce bugs.

41. Also, when you're changing your code to minify or obfuscate, there's a risk that you may introduce bugs.

42. Too much Conciseness can result in hard-to-understand or obfuscated code (APL anyone?), while too much verbosity can easily swamp the underlying meaning.

43. The analysts also discovered the executable file which was used to gain root access on the machines, which was protected and obfuscated with Burneye.

44. Yes, you could easily camouflage and obfuscate information in, say, a 15-page handout if that was your intent.

45. Adnauseam is a free browser extension designed to obfuscate browsing data and protect users from tracking by advertising networks

46. Adnauseam is a free browser extension designed to obfuscate browsing data and protect users from tracking by advertising networks

47. The document then bounces between Tor servers in a random manner, using layers of encryption to obfuscate its source address.

48. You cannot interfere with this monitoring or auditing and cannot otherwise conceal or obfuscate from Google your Google Ads scripts activity.

49. An overview of the usual objectives should not obfuscate their interdependence, their interaction, nor the possible conflicts that may exist among them.

50. In hindsight, I realize that the best way to obfuscate this link would be to use an MD5-generated hash value, effectively hiding all voter information.

51. Anonymizing Proxies are severs that function as an anonymous relay between a user and a destination website to obfuscate web browsing activity

52. The Blob Abides When a term obfuscates more than it enlightens Ben Rhodes, then the deputy national security adviser for strategic communications, speaks to the media at …

53. NET framework used class and method names are still in plain text and readable to anyone, and that is because you can obfuscate anything but the .

54. Called “Carny” or also spelled “Carnie” and sometimes known as “Ciazarn,” it was developed among the carnies for the purpose of obfuscating their communications and making their dealings unintelligible to nosy outsiders, namely customers

55. The dynamic proxy property approach does reduce or eliminate the ability to obfuscate the Model layer because the properties on the Model are now referenced by name in the XAML.

56. What is javascript beautifier? JavaScript beautifier/javascript editor is an online tool to Beautify js, de-obfuscate javaScript, HTML or JSON/JSONP into a readable javascript format

57. It's not clear to me why business plans are the way they are, but they're often misused to obfuscate, bore and show an ability to comply with expectations.

58. The controversial Race to Zero contest, run by New Zealand security researcher Simon Howard, allowed each team to try to obfuscate real computer viruses and exploit code samples.

59. You will not delete, alter, or obfuscate any proprietary legends relating to the Image, and each use will be accompanied by the applicable proprietary attribution shown next to the Image.

60. This aspect of the virus is heavily obfuscated in code and not fully understood, but has been observed to use large-scale UDP scanning to build up a peer list of infected hosts and TCP for subsequent transfers of signed payloads.

61. The Ruby source code is compiled into native machine code (same process as we do at runtime with the JIT compiler), so it's also a good way to obfuscate the source code.

62. 12 The Ruby source code is compiled into native machine code (same process as we do at runtime with the JIT compiler), so it's also a good way to obfuscate the source code.

63. From cockney rhyming slang - 1 - arse becomes 'bottle and glass' which becomes bottle (proper rhyming slang normally leaves out the rhyming word, being designed to obfuscate meaning) 2 - bottle becomes aristotle 3 - which gets shortened to Arris

64. Beadlery No good comes with crossing type on an advisory team could then add some meaning in tragedy? Utility designed to obfuscate when losing your plan? 307-456 Phone Numbers Burp on familia! E from me! Precision accuracy built in drainage! It set aside without reading.

65. Whiteman evokes the Corporeal nature of plantation authority, since the elided middle term between obfuscate and obfusticate seems to be fustigate.: The lower world, the sublunar and Corporeal world of generation and decay, was created in time.: The Corporeal cannot act on the inCorporeal, nor the inCorporeal on the Corporeal.: Besides, it were folly to think to judge of inCorporeal things by